Managing Director

More assisted decided capital Stuttgart in Texas purchased peroxid. The energy capital invest could place the minimum volume of U.S. oil and gas Fund X KG amounting to 20 million euros in absolute record time of only about three weeks. The high placement rate is exceptional even for the not little success-drenched Stuttgart energy specialists. Also, because the acquisition of the equity capital of the US oil and gas Fund IX KG, a private placement with a minimum 200,000 euro runs well above average. The management of the energy capital invest has decided the capital increase provided for in the Statute, for the US oil and gas Fund X KG.

The increase makes sense, because we currently can invest in more, highly interesting production areas in Texas and benefit directly from the extremely attractive price”, explains Kay Rieck as Managing Director of the energy capital invest. Moreover, increased due to the better distribution of Fund-related costs the investment ratio of the US oil and gas Fund X KG. The beneficial ownership of the MC-wells-7 and 8 production units had the US oil and gas Fund X KG first “secured in the McMullen County. The area located in Texas, is the largest on the North American continent among experts as one and has a very good infrastructure for the production of oil and natural gas. The special thing about the current participation: The mineral extraction rights must not be acquired by the fund company, but were already at the beginning of the placement indirectly brought by the energy capital invest and made available to the Fund free of charge. The funds are in, primarily all exploration proceeds, as well as the right of exploitation from the sale. In the past few months, the energy capital invest their position on the could expand U.S. oil and gas market.

Leon County were among other mineral extraction rights in the assisted areas of proven successful”and West Texas”acquired, which both have a very good infrastructure for the transport and processing of oil and gas. In a very short time, our team in the United States could acquire more than 35,000 acres in the two Hotspots Leon County and West Texas. With these recent acquisitions has”the energy capital invest over positions in the U.S. oil and gas market of more than 185,000 acres, representing an area around 730 square kilometres, says Rieck. Only a short time participation from at least 15,000 euros to the now tenth Fund of leader is possible. And with a term until the end of 2013 is the US oil and gas Fund X KG back to a real short term. Investors achieve a nominal return of about 14 percent a year during this time. A nominal two percent early artist bonus is granted also until May 19. The first reduced is planned already for the third quarter of 2011. In addition, the distributions are conception according to to the progression of the retention tax in Germany.

County Court

CCJ is the legal action made by the county court for acquiring the loan mount from the debtors. Under this service, short repayment duration is given and within that time period, you have to return the loan amount. Good credit score is a matter of prestige and honor. It enhances the beauty of your character and assured that you are the reputed and dignified personality of the UK. People with good credit history, can avail hassle free loan amount.

Lenders offer them money unconditionally as their credit record is a secured substitute. On the other side, late payments or non-payments of the debt are the culprits behind most falling credit rating. When the debtors repay the loan amount on time, their lenders treat them nicely but most of the people are not repaying the loan amount on time. Hence, this behavior creates numerous obstacles for them and credited with arrears, defaults and bad creditors. In this way, if the debtors are not paying debts on time then creditors can take legal action against them. For this purpose, creditors can easily seek for CCJ or County Court judgment against the bad debtors. For grabbing money from the debtors, County Court judgment is the appropriate solution. With the help of this procedure, creditors can appeal to the county court and a ‘ claim form ‘ will be issued to them via postal service.

With the help of claim form, you want to find out exactly what is owed and from whom to owe. Apart from ignorance or simple failure in paying amount, there can be some other reasons for late loan repayment. Suppose, if unfortunately fire or flood can arrive and ruin your all record and files and you may not remember about the debts which you nave paid or unpaid. In that case, this claim form be a reminder and the situation will be resolved by paying the debt. Moreover, the debt is too large and the income sources are too small. At that time, which date court declare, you will have to return the debts on time but tackling with this situation admission forms are available. On this form, you can fill your income and expenses. Like this, government wants to help you to overcome from these circumstances and after considering all the important factors, they offer more time for the repayment. Repayment duration is short, which is offered by the County Court judgment for repaying the whole loan amount. You have to return the debts on the specified time; otherwise more penalties are to be added into your current debts. Melissa Mia is advisor of cheap loans for people on Benefits.


During the past 15 years comunicaciones (MoviStar, Vodafone etc.) operators have benefited from the boom in the sending of text messages or SMS. Young and not so young they have used SMS as a preferred means of communication, mainly because it is a fast and direct way of communicating, where the recipient receives the message almost immediately wherever you are, and it is very cheap compared to the cost of making a call. Today, with the advent of SmartPhones and data connections 3 G (mobile Internet) have introduced alternatives to the cheaper SMS and similar benefits. And we say cheaper not to say free, since the user only pays a monthly fee for the data connection, from which you can send as many messages as you want. Applications like whatsapp have almost completely eliminated the use of SMS among users who have a SmartPhone with 3 G connection. However, there are many users that still do not have a SmartPhone, especially in developing countries of development where the cost of a SmartPhone is very expensive for the vast majority.

For this reason, when you want to transmit messages short and direct, companies make use of SMS since it remains the medium that best ensures that the recipient read the message. Banks, marketing agencies, clinics, discos etc. increasingly are more types of businesses that perform shipments of SMS to communicate with their customers. It seems clear that SMS lose strength between individual users with SmartPhones extends in our society. But on the other hand are increasingly companies that send SMS notifications to your customers, suppliers or employees. Everything indicates therefore that is SMS for a while. In a rapidly changing the current environment there are SMS messaging providers offering services with global coverage at local prices. These providers allow customers to connect to its SMS platform by means of programming interfaces (APIs) so that companies can communicate with your customers or suppliers when and wherever they are.

European Central Bank

Through highly speculative with the insolvency of American households could enrich the Bank on the current financial crisis and was kept even from bankruptcy thanks to their political connections. As the American crisis across the Atlantic spilled over to Europe, Goldman Sachs was one of the protagonists of the euro crisis: the Bank should have speculated against the European single currency and fined the Greek debt balance with the help of complex and opaque currency transactions. As European Governments fell one after the other the wrath of voters for the victims, Goldman Sachs seized the moment, to expand their complex network of influence on the old continent. Goldman Sachs is more than just a bank. It is an invisible Empire, whose assets 700 Billions of euros more than the budget of the French State to double. It is a financial Empire on the sunny side of the world with his wild speculations and his greed has transformed into a huge Casino. With unique linkages and an army of 30,000 bankers Goldman Sachs could also in the last five years of crisis strong win, expand its financial strength, strengthen its influence on Governments and themselves from secure to complete impunity of American and European justice. The business practices of the Bank is very discreet.

Its influence reach far into the daily lives of citizens – from the Facebook IPO on the appointment of the President of the European Central Bank to the lobbying against regulation of the financial sector. The arm of the Bank is long, and she is always on the winning side. The broadcast can be seen on. ( directs a bank the world 20.12.2012) Also Daniela Dahn describes the entanglement of bankers and policy: the current Chairman of the European Central Bank Mario Draghi was previously Vice President at Goldman Sachs. He is a lobbyist of the financial industry as a member of the exclusive group of thirty founded by the Rockefeller Foundation.

Great Alexander

The life of the nature is a constant process of movement in that process all thing and property is transformed into their opposite one: the cold becomes hot, it warms up and it fried. Etc. Since everything, when changing incessantly, renews. It is not possible to enter the same river twice, in the human life east passage of everything to his opposite, is not a simple change, but a fight so fights is universal. " the father and king of all the things " in the fight of opposites its identity is pronounced nevertheless: a same thing is the way upwards and the way downwards. The life and the death etc the universality of the change and the passage of each property to their opposite cause that all the qualities are relative. On the basis of the knowledge they are. The sensations, if something were concealed to the perceivable light by the senses podria not to escape in the light of the reason, heraclitus opposes its conception that of the world their contemporaries and fellow citizens have most of.

The aristocratic ideas of heraclitus, about the society occur in with some progressive characteristics: heraclitus demonstrates against the customary right traditional defendant by the aristocrats, to which it opposes the law promulgated by the state. Law by which the men have to fight like by the walls of their native city. as we can observe heraclitus breaks definitively with the traditional scheme of some. Which afrimaba the world habia created by the Gods. Since to all man it is difficult to him to leave his beliefs.

Therefore, Great Alexander, respected the beliefs of towns that sometia. Soon it involves the necessity like one of the change origins. You would notice in the daily life, the thousands of needs that force the human being to move in search of means that replace the same.

Iberian Garlic Sausages

I believe that if had to choose a single prescription she would be the one of tortillas, although confess that I am not very safe. I like to make tortillas of everything what crosses myself I the mind. And it seems to me that what less appears indeed in blog they are tortilla prescriptions. So there is to put remedy to this. When I received the Inlay products Alexander I gave many returns him thinking what would prepare, if something with the Garlic sausage Barbecue, or the Natural Sausage, or the Garlic sausage Sausage, or the Chistorra, or Bacon, the variety of products on which they have been counting for easy to think about a proposal, but in the end I were decided to use the Iberian Garlic sausage to make a tortilla with onion and artichoke, the result you can imagine to it I took a frying pan and I threw a considerable amount of extra virgin olive oil, I put to fry a pair of onions cut in small pieces with a pair of hard artichokes to which previously hojillas had cleared him.

Troncho of I cleaned it to the artichoke and I put tambi it to fry. I added a salt pinch I put and it with the fire half until it was all fritito good. Later I separated the onion and the artichoke, in the same frying pan, without oil, I gave returns to Iberian garlic sausage small pieces. Immediately I retired. To put a pot with abundant water and to throw leaves of laurel, the bare teeth of garlic, a handful of salt and butter. When it begins to boil to add tubular powders we left and it is cooked during 8 or 9 minutes. Once finished the baking of it grazes, they slip and reserve well taking off garlic and the leaf of laurel.

Blog Generates Income

Those who have their blog because they want to earn extra money often wondered: why my earnings are so low? There are people who think that blogs can simply do not generate much money.Because I want you to know that they are wrong. Blogs can generate the same amount of money if not more in comparison with any other web site.I am now speaking of PPC (Pay per click) revenue sorces, as Google AdSense here. The main problem I’ve noticed is that people tend to focus on broader markets.If you are running a sort of personal diary, chances are that there are thousands of blogs similar to yours at all.Competition, more difficult so you can make some money.Try to concentrate on smaller markets also known as market niches, of course the biggest could be also successful. Secondly, it is necessary to have a unique selling point. You need to give your readers something that no one more thing It makes.This will really help you get visitors returning.Or you need to have good ideas to raise perhaps a known, common issue with a different approach. Finally it is own ads.You should channel their ads.In this way you will be able to measure the performance of your ads block.One of the most important things is to experiment.Try different ad formats, colors and positioning.

Something important is occasionally change the appearance of your blog, keep in mind the results and if you notice that they are not good, try something different.Even if you think you have found the optimal configuration of ads must continue to improve if you need help to improve the traffic of your blog, something that is extremely important, can send them to the new system of personal publishing news blog specially designed for the community of blogs in: will not win much if you have a good blog, but do not have a profitable businessas regards this issue, I shall to suggest something proven, that gives good results. Then I want to share with you a blog that by investing a small amount of money, you will have a business of proven effectiveness, with a blog, as you will see that it is luxurious, with colors, designs and other elemente according to the rest of it, achieving a balance that one who sees it, you want to know more about this business. I will tell you that your blog will be equal to mine. He is facebook, a site that most uses it to meet friends, I will teach you how to use it to generate money. Discover how to make money with Facebook here: If you visited this link, you may have noticed that it is an opportunity to not miss it. Original author and source of the article


On the other hand the democratization of information technologies is a priority in this atmosphere of Egoverment, availability of access via computers, telecentres technologies are important, Telecenters (activity launched in Peru and which has spread in other countries). That is understood as e-Government the use of the technologies of information and communications (technology ICT) that perform the administrative bodies to improve the services and information offered to the citizens, increase the efficiency and effectiveness of public management and substantially increase the transparency of the public sector, as well as the participation of the citizens. E-government emerges in this new economy where globalization, information technologies, the Internet and the knowledge flood the developing countries and are located in all places in homes, universities, business schools. E-Government aims to use information and Internet technologies to make more efficient the State that this mean that public enterprises, ministries are converted into E-ministerios, or ministries electronic reinventing their processes designed to meet the needs of the citizen who is the client who has to be satisfied, the times have to reduce them and costs also, the citizen has moved away from public service or go to the ministries to do paperwork, or public entities, by reason that simply today day we can take us both there is much bureaucracy there is much complexity. It is important that the State entities to be modernised and leverage information and Internet technologies as well as private enterprise, there are models such as business-to-business for example to interact by connecting two computers to buy or sell between two companies, as well as we have the business to the consumer when a supermarket offers a portal a Web page for consumer customer buy through it, or the interaction between two consumers, alike in the Government environment have the possibility of interacting under various modelsa model is from Government to Government, State companies that are interconnected to give a unique service surely then gives to the citizen through a portal link to other websites or Web pages, but the citizen from his Office from his home will be able to interact with the State to do paperwork, surely make payments or make purchaseson the other hand we have government citizen where the citizen makes formalities directly and the other case is of government companies, is important to this topic that required the modernization of the State in terms of reinvestment of the processes must change policies, you have to change procedures, need to change the information technologies.

Professional Practices

Perform a few internships or training in the workplace is a very effective tool for the development of competencies and professional skills, it is an acknowledged fact. Many employers have the perception that the newly graduates do not have experience in the labour market, so that the candidates who have completed a placement are more attractive. The greatest benefits for young people who go through a program of internships is that they have an opportunity to see first-hand the business world, this is what employers are assessing when making new hires. The experience in a particular job is not only valued but it also appreciates the realistic vision of the business world, professional skills development, training and professional background. Represents before also entering an organization, as a result which the company can include it in the pool of prospective employees with real information about their powers. Business practices are one real opportunity to learn the skills and habits of professional success. These are some of the most important values that can be purchased through a job for students about to graduate: A strong ethics professional, indispensable for the company. Often in interviews prompted the candidate to expose situations where your ethics and morals can be contrasted.

Also respect the deadlines, customers or colleagues even in complicated situations are some of the qualities that can be learned in the workplace. Responsibility and confidence although not always awarded to fellows responsibility on issues vital to the success of a project. It is crucial to have a mentor who help build these qualities at the beginning of the career. Be positive, have initiative and motivation for the company that the new candidate has autonomy as soon as possible and show motivated is a necessity to save time, efforts and resources. A positive attitude ensures a work environment Nice, where projects are carried out compliance deadlines.

Mahon Hotels Give Value Added Tax Advantage

Maria and Harald Mintrop reduce immediately the prices for overnight stays in their two homes. Essen, January 21, 2010. Much has been discussed about the tax rate on accommodation costs reduced as of January 1, 2010. “For Maria and Harald Mintrop however the thing is clear: for us it is a matter of decency and fairness to our customers and guests, if we pass this advantage on them”, the owner of Mintrops land Hotel Margarethenhohe explain Hotel Burgaltendorf and Mintrops city. After all, many guests remain loyal to, the two Essen houses often for many years. In addition they have for everyone equally applicable and for each reliable pricing policy of Mahon accepted houses. The price reduction is therefore virtually a recognition and rewards”, show the two hoteliers. Of course, want and be Mary and Harald Mintrop continue to invest in their homes.

And of course they will pay their employees also still fair. The details of the new Interested for price list online at culture bonus for 4-Star base camp the RUHR. 2010 is already in full swing. Those business, leisure or cultural travellers, when your booking in one of the two Mahmud houses of a RUHR. 2010-ticket submit, Mintrops charge 10 euros to the price of the accommodation upon arrival until April 30.

Both Mintrops land hotel also Mintrops city hotel is an ideal base to take part in the colorful and inspiring program. From there, guests get quickly and easily to all places where the myth of Ruhr convey the diverse arts and cultural events. Experience Hotel Mintrops City Hotel Margarethenhohe in Essen heard Mintrops land Hotel Burgaltendorf of the absolute top-hotels, nationwide. At the main Hotel Grand Prix was last an independent jury Mintrops land Hotel Burgaltendorf with 1st place and Mintrops City Hotel Margarethenhohe with 2nd place from. “For the colorful” houses belong to the most beautiful type ‘ hotels of the country and for modern living “to the most beautiful design hotels. The kitchen can be seen, of course! “The magazine of Der Feinschmecker” as also the restaurant guide Gault Millau “the two Mahmud praise hotels. Information and contact: Mintrops City Hotel Margarethenhohe steep road 46 45149 Essen Tel: + 49 (0) 201.4 38 60