Those who have their blog because they want to earn extra money often wondered: why my earnings are so low? There are people who think that blogs can simply do not generate much money.Because I want you to know that they are wrong. Blogs can generate the same amount of money if not more in comparison with any other web site.I am now speaking of PPC (Pay per click) revenue sorces, as Google AdSense here. The main problem I’ve noticed is that people tend to focus on broader markets.If you are running a sort of personal diary, chances are that there are thousands of blogs similar to yours at all.Competition, more difficult so you can make some money.Try to concentrate on smaller markets also known as market niches, of course the biggest could be also successful. Secondly, it is necessary to have a unique selling point. You need to give your readers something that no one more thing It makes.This will really help you get visitors returning.Or you need to have good ideas to raise perhaps a known, common issue with a different approach. Finally it is own ads.You should channel their ads.In this way you will be able to measure the performance of your ads block.One of the most important things is to experiment.Try different ad formats, colors and positioning.
Something important is occasionally change the appearance of your blog, keep in mind the results and if you notice that they are not good, try something different.Even if you think you have found the optimal configuration of ads must continue to improve if you need help to improve the traffic of your blog, something that is extremely important, can send them to the new system of personal publishing news blog specially designed for the community of blogs in: will not win much if you have a good blog, but do not have a profitable businessas regards this issue, I shall to suggest something proven, that gives good results. Then I want to share with you a blog that by investing a small amount of money, you will have a business of proven effectiveness, with a blog, as you will see that it is luxurious, with colors, designs and other elemente according to the rest of it, achieving a balance that one who sees it, you want to know more about this business. I will tell you that your blog will be equal to mine. He is facebook, a site that most uses it to meet friends, I will teach you how to use it to generate money. Discover how to make money with Facebook here: If you visited this link, you may have noticed that it is an opportunity to not miss it. Original author and source of the article