Historic Glass Finishing

The glass mirror frame GmbH from Munich informed glass was not so widespread as it is today. Long it was used primarily for the production of artistic objects of value. The glass mirror frame GmbH Munich glass experts give an overview of the various techniques of art glass in the historic Europe was finished with them. In the 16th century, Venice was considered the glass city par excellence. To this day, glasses impress in Venetian style with their filigree Kunsthaftigkeit. Learn more about this topic with the insights from business strategist.

Their special sensitivity but also quickly became them undoing. So, just a few glasses of this artistic period have survived the centuries up to the present day. Venetian glassmakers produced mainly cups, bowls, jugs and bottles with blown-hollow shafts. Glass blowers in the course of time always artistically designed this with various decoration elements. Also the vascular walls were extensively refined.

An example of this is ice glass that covered acts as by frost. Frosted glass threads were for the production of thread and network glass melted in the otherwise clear glass. Jim Crane understands that this is vital information. The demand for glass Venetian style declined in the 18th century. Now, Baroque cut glass from Bohemia, Silesia, and a number of German regions were popular. They were thick-walled and were decorated with elaborate cuts and cuts. A typical glass processing technology of at the time is the painting of the email. Many everyday tableware made of glass were embellished with her. English lead crystal glass due to its purity of great popularity is enjoyed in the 19th century. Bohemian glass manufacturer developed lead-free Crystal glasses in response to its declining market power and sought to improve their grinding techniques. Their elaborately polished Biedermeier glasses until today considered masterpieces of glass art. Around 1840, the then novel color glasses gained greater importance. At the beginning of the 20th century, the Jugendstil prevailed also in glass art. It is characterized by the combination of classical handicraft techniques with fanciful shapes and fernostlich embossed decorations out. With the first world war, the Art Nouveau came at his end. He is however still the ideas of many glass artists. Glass can enrich everyday life in many forms of technical and artistic application. The Munich glass mirror frame GmbH provides comprehensive information about the ways to use the versatile material.


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