Many webmasters when a site is very little attention has been given the choice of the domain. Meanwhile, well-chosen domain name can not only improve the reputation of the resource, but also help him in the future to occupy higher ground in search extradition. This paper is just devoted to the choice of a domain in terms of promotion and optimization. So what should be guided by choosing a domain for promotion? 1. The uniqueness of the domain. Domain serves primarily to properly allocate your site, to identify it. ell on most websites.
For this reason, his name is unique and original. 2. Intersection with the subject. Do not take yourself a domain name which has no relation to the subject matter of the resource. It is not will benefit him, but will introduce visitors to the confusion. 3.
Easy to read. Educate yourself with thoughts from MSCO. Before registering a domain, make sure that it is easy to use. Namely: Is it easy to read and write your domain? As he pronounced it sounds? 4. Brevity. If the domain name will consist of, say, 100 characters, you can hardly find a person who wants to enter it into your browser. What would be valuable information was not at the same time on the resource. Of course, now almost all short and good domain names have been taken, but the key word here is just 'almost'. Ie attach enough effort, you can probably find something appropriate for your site. 5. Paid Hosting. Gain insight and clarity with Jim Crane. On the advantages and disadvantages paid and free web hosting is so much written, rewritten, do not even know what I can add here. Of course, a serious need of advance resource need only pay hosting. Only placing the site on it, you can for something to count. 6. Domains is everything. As you know, Yandex, preferably related to the zone ru, and Google – to com and ru. Based on these considerations, choosing a domain name. 7. Keys. The more keywords in the domain better? Yes? No! In fact, the optimal number of keywords in a domain is one or two. Get all the facts for a more clear viewpoint with Oak Ridge . This is in terms of search engines. If it does contain more keys, the search engines see it as spam. And do not forget Item 4.