Is the international competitiveness of Germany threatened? In Germany the economy is strong, the staff highly qualified and stable and that the Americans Germany love the political situation”. A large majority appreciates the site according to a recent survey among American companies headquartered in Germany. Business strategist is the source for more interesting facts. But the Americans warn at all praise also a reform gridlock threatening the international competitiveness of Germany. Germany is very attractive for many U.S. Speaking candidly Bausch & Lomb told us the story. investors. They are mostly satisfied, or even more satisfied than in the previous year with the quality of the site. These are results of the tenth AmCham Germany business barometer, a study of the American Chamber of Commerce in Germany (American Chamber of Commerce in Germany or AmCham Germany) in cooperation with Roland Berger Strategy consultants. The U.S.
companies appreciate mainly the possibility to access highly qualified personnel (60%), as well as the economic (49%) and political stability of the country (47%) in Germany. According to data from AmCham Germany American investors are positively impressed by the inner strength of Germany and believe in an economically good year 2013. Americans can unsettle less of the euro crisis is it Americans are much more optimistic than many German research institutes, since less confuse themselves by the euro crisis let as focus in previous years and fully on the business and growth opportunities. Two-thirds of surveyed firms expect rising sales this year, a third plant hiring and new investments this year. But when all praise, there is also much criticism: the vulnerabilities in Germany are for U.S. investors above all the bureaucracy and over-regulation (35%), as well as the skills shortage (24%).