Sync Lock Function

Usually accompanied by a counter and Sync Lock functions Beat Assist. Sync Lock function simplifies the task of counting the BPM by limiting the maximum rate to be determined by the value of the counter at the start of counting. When using the Beat Assist the pace set by clicking through a few taps to the beat. There are also automatic counters. In different models of automation implemented in different ways, but when it is activated in almost all systems there is a high percentage of falsity. In general, the mix is much more important to be able to use own hearing, it will give much more than attempting to deal with the principle of 'intellectual' automatics.

Talk Over Talk Over – literally 'talk over' – a function for the microphone. Lowers the basic sound, highlighting the vote. Activated usually a button, but there are models with automatic switching. In consoles, the lack of level adjustment, as a rule, lowering the main signal is approximately doubled. Sampler sampler for a DJ console thing very required. The sampler allows you to record short sound bites that are played by pressing a button, or loopback mode LOOP. The record duration in different consoles are different, but 12 seconds is usually quite enough to record and broadcast a small portion. Some remotes have the ability to speed up or slow down playback without changing the fragment or a change in pitch.

A major disadvantage of samplers inexpensive remotes is playing with a slight delay, making it difficult to start fragment at the right time to get used to it, or do not use this function at all. Cue Cue – listening to the function of a particular channel or channel pair. In the practice of listening to DJ is mainly through the headphones. Cue function is implemented in different consoles in different ways and often with detailed consideration of the options of a remote control you can stumble on such concepts as PFL and AFL.


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