It is not that the surrounding one has limited the cultural degree of a people, can be said in the maximum who the environment limits or favors the outcrop of this culture, that is, it is not enough to have the tools, she is necessary to know to use them. The domain of the man on the nature becomes it much more dependent. The modern man it is not seen without being able to make use of the electricity, computers, automobiles and of cellular telephones. A total relation of dependence exists, not only with environment and yes with the culture that imposes to it that if you do not use artifices to become cmoda and the more agile life, you it is exceeded and obsolete. The environment is contacted as soon as is indispensable so that culture exists and so that this can be developed, therefore, is of the environment is the cradle of the cultural development of the peoples and the accumulated knowledge, that is, the experience is the determinative factor so that a bigger exploitation of the busy environment exists. Culture and personality the formation of the personality depends on some factors that can analogous be on to the substance cousin of the personality, as the physical elements, the temperament and the intelligence that to a large extent is passed by a hereditary succession relation. Although this personality that if form in the familiar seio is important, is not exclusively responsible for the formation of the personality of one to be, the environment or the society where this being is inserted it goes to exert much influence in its formation.
The school, the friendships and the type of society that this being is inserted go to exert much force on this formation of personality. One of definitions places it to the personality as a set of mental qualities of the individual, that is, the total addition of its rational facultieses, perceptions, ideas, habits and conditional emotional relations. The difficulty of if defining personality are in the fact of that hour sees the individual as to be individual however as social unit. Individual behavior is the particularitity of each one, its skill of being, way to act, already the behavior as social unit is related with what the society waits of you, in the way that waits that you have and behave in the social environment as norms and laws, that is, standards to be followed by the pertaining ones of this way.