Centre Medical University

According to a comparative study among young patients and older who underwent a gastric bypass, the results do not vary depending on age. I.e. older patients lose weight as younger patients, and after surgery, diseases such as diabetes are in a remission in patients from two age ranges. This result is offered by the American Society of Bariatric and metabolic surgery. Also the weight loss in older patients does not increase the risk of complications, as well as you do in youth. Older patients have more heart and lung complications but fewer incidents of bleeding and problems with the healing of the wound that young patients.

Hospital readmission and mortality rates were similar both in young and older adults. Dr. throughout of the Centre Medical University of Baylor, in Dallas, says that despite the health complications that are due to obesity, age does not mean an increase in the risk of possible post operative complications. He also says that weight loss is similar in both groups at 12 and 24 months after surgery. The result of the studies shows that weight-loss surgery is safe and equally effective in patients over 65 years. There are still concerns about the risks of mortality due to bariatric surgery in older adults with obesity. However, there is significant data that this concern is justified.

Few know the risks and benefits of surgery candidates against young candidates, the researchers reviewed the records of all patients who underwent gastric bypass surgery at Baylor from 2005 to 2008. 1474 Patients that were performed this surgery, 100 were 65 years or older. The average age in older patients was 68, and with average of BMI before the surgery of 45. Women accounted for 75% of the patients of advanced age. The average BMI and age were similar in 1374 patients under 65. Medical complications before intervention in older adults included sleep apnea more than 40%, in more than 60% diabetes and hypertension by 80%. Younger patients had a 30% prevalence of apnea sleep and diabetes and 55 to 60% of hypertension. The time of the surgery and the time spent in the hospital was similar in both groups, as well as the rates of readmission. Post operative complications were low in both groups. The average weight lost twelve months was 75% and 83% at 24 months in older adults, while the teens had an average weight loss of 78% on two occasions. Regarding diabetes, in older adults there was a referral from 63 per cent, while young was 69%. Hypertension was controlled in 23% of older patients and young people in 45%. Obesity affects people of all ages, carrying various medical problems. If you suffer from obesity, goodbye obesity have in the treatment indicated for you regardless of age having. Receive a warm greeting Cecy Garcia psychology Bariatric. Adios-obesidad. com degree in psychology, specialist obesity, eating disorders and disorders of the free school of Psychology emocionalesEgresada.


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