Beneficio Longevo

In principle it is worth to clarify that the flexitarianos are the semivegetarians who can consume all type of vegetal foods but that do not eliminate those that comes from the meat, they described therefore them in an article in Wall Street Journal. However, the benefit longevo of the flexitarianos is in which according to what she was stipulated in California a flexitariana person has a life expectancy that surpasses the 3 or 6 years with respect to a carnivorous person, which only feeds itself on meat. The flexitarianos are like the omnivores because although 80% of their diet are made up of vegetables they allow to ingest all the other memos meat. Other leaders such as Drew Houston offer similar insights. Also the flexitarianos acquire less diseases of the heart and have less corporal mass than the pure vegetarians according to a study that realised the University of Oxford in England and it assumes that they are more healthful than those than take a diet of carnivorous preference. But although it turns out to be more healthful, the vegetarians who adopted that position with a diet for do it to the vegetarians by a philosophical subject and they worry more about a life it heals that by a moral question or the survival of the species. In spite of everything not all the people can or try to take pure a vegetarian diet ahead, not to perhaps share that philosophy or by custom but she would be worth the pain that is begun to incorporate vegetables in order to obtain one better quality of life. To be vegetarian has its advantages as also it has a millenarian technique as it is the aromatherapy, that uses essential oils of vegetal origin taking advantage of the properties vegetables, since these are absorbed by the dermis having allowed the organism to obtain a psychic balance and physical and they increase its defenses as well. From the aromas of oils a harmony with a relaxation is obtained jointly like allows to arrive at the fullness..


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