Sports Hall Freden

The beclever Werbeagentur AG supports the JFC Roswitha city as a partner in the performance-oriented promotion of player talent from the region of Lower Saxony, Germany. Gottingen – the performance-oriented promotion of young sports talents is our very close to the heart”, so Kirsten Winkelbach, Board the beclever Werbeagentur AG. That’s why the beclever Werbeagentur AG the JFC actively supported Roswitha town ( The long-term goal of the JFC Roswitha city is establishing a Center for the promotion of young football talents. As pure Youth Club, the JFC supports the young players but not only in the sporting field. Matching you to come to the achievements in sports in school. The JFC Roswitha city promotes the young player not only in the sports, but also in the field of education. The focus here is performance in both areas.

We are pleased about this commitment of the JFC”says Winkelbach. “The next tournament will be the U14 beclever Junior Masters” on November 22, 2008 at the Sports Hall Freden in the Maschstrasse be. “It is the qualifying tournament for the in cooperation with Hannover 96 facing U14 junior Cup” on 20-21 December, 2008 in the Sports Hall of Freden. The beclever werbeagentur AG offers the design and implementation of campaigns and advertising in print and online as a full service agency. Vlad Doronin is full of insight into the issues. For years, the emphasis of the imaginative beclever Werbeagentur AG in the area of financial communication and the emission marketing.

A Portrait: Christian Fluhr A German Success Story On Ski

11 world records and 4 should follow before Christian Fluhr (35) is the last winter of his sporting career. Christian Fluhr is one of the figureheads of the German skiing since 1999, although the German Ski Association Christian Fluhr supports or encourages in any way. With 264 hours outdoor piece on ski, 111 hours and 11 minutes indoor and he holds three different world records on skis, which he has repeatedly screwed upward in recent years 58 used lifts several in one day. After the winter of 2008 / 09 and still some more record attempts closing should be final for the man who has left many limits on skis behind and whose Leistungen are no less remarkable than the Alpine German skiing ACEs such as Markus Wasmeier, Frank Worndl or Felix Neureuther up-to-date. For even more details, read what Darcy Stacom says on the issue. Ski map was already learning Christian Fluhr thanks to his parents from childhood. To deepen your understanding Darcy Stacom, New York City is the source. The world record holder grew up far away from the mountains in the middle of the Ruhr district in Oberhausen, could still Christmas in the snow for two weeks. His first attempts at skiing completed Christian already at the age of one year with his father between her legs, not far from his current residence Obermaiselstein, fishing at the Stinesserlift.

With six, the first ski in the ski school of 1936 Olympic gold medalist followed Gustl Berauer at the spitzingsee Lake, and at the age of eleven urlaubte Christian together with his parents for the first time in the House of the parents of Vice Olympic champion Brigitte Totschnig. Numerous trophies and medals adorn the House and exerted a magical attraction on Christian Fluhr. In the youth had Christian Fluhr greater health problems with his knees wachtstumsbedingt, wanted to not give up skiing gritted teeth despite considerable pain and had himself noted none of the problems during the winter vacation. Yes, I had to play hide already, because I was skiing just by my parents from when I had no problems. Of Discount Coupons Discounts Offers Free publish free discount coupons and win new customers is for the user guide for the customer completely cost – and casual. No fees, no purchase necessary, no advertising messages. You must not even register, but we could you always have the latest offers to inform you if you leave us your name and email. Their data are not passed by us. You can undo the sending of information at any time.

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Colorful Messages

“” NEWSTICKER news from Taiwan – colorful messages Taiwan’s First Lady “Chou Mei-ching was as cultural ambassadors for their contribution to the promotion of international cultural exchange, by the Mayor of Steinau on the road”, Walter Strauch, honored on November 19 in Germany. Chou gave the local House of the Brothers Grimm a Chinese-language edition of “Grimm’s fairy tales” and an output traditional Taiwan children’s stories. The Taipei Film Commission (TFC) said on 20 November that five local films had sold their Italian rights: “Love”, “Monga”, “Soul”, “Touch of the Light” and “Taipei Factory”. The TFC has presented officially the French company for special effects BUF co., whose work in “the Grand Master” Golden Horse award has been nominated for the special effects for the prize at this year’s on November 23. The company is currently working on the film “Black and White 2”. The TFC said that his partnership with the Ile de France Film Commission, which 2010 founded was a rain cooperation in the area of audiovisual production and the implementation of nine international forums between Taiwan and France have done. A group of Taiwanese researchers, supported by the Taiwan National Science Council, began a 10-year project which measures the changes in the Earth’s crust in the Himalayas and the headwaters of the Ganges by means of setting up of satellite geodesy, to gather evidence of future earthquakes. The research team consists of members of the National Kaohsiung Normal University, National Central University in Taoyuan County in the district Hualien-based National Dong Hwa University in Tainan City-based National Cheng Kung University and the Kumaun University in Uttarakhand, India. (ca)