Texas has identified 35 centers in all the state. One is to 48 km to the south-east of the State Capital, Austin. The mortal victims are a mother and her baby. Two people have died and hundreds of houses have been devastated by a fire with multiple centers declared in the state of Texas (the USA) and intensified by the strong winds that the tropical storm brought ' Lee' , according to average Americans inform. One of fires, located to only 48 kilometers to the south-east of the Austin, State Capital, has destroyed hundreds of houses and continues advancing without obstacles in a cattle zone affected by the drought. The spokeswoman of the Forest Service of Texas, Jan Amen, indicated that the firemen continue working in the extinction of the flames in the county of Bastrop, where the fire has destroyed 300 houses and has devastated 17,500 acres.
According to the Cnn, about 5,000 residents were evacuated in that zone since other 1,000 houses were in danger situation, while near 6,000 acres of the natural park Bastrop State Park already they have been consumed by the flames. The night of this Sunday they took place the first victims, a woman of 20 years and her baby, a girl of 18 months that were catched in their movable house near the locality of Gladewater, in the county of Gregg. The Forest service of Texas has identified 35 centers in all the state that were intensified due to the low relative humidity and the strong winds that the storm brought Lee, who touched earth as tropical storm and already has been debilitated to tropical depression, point the channel. Source of the news: Two died and hundreds of houses burned in a fire with multiple centers in Texas, the USA