T-Mobile offers kostense prepaid Xtra cards for a limited time. T-Mobile today launched a new action, where there are free Xtra cards, shipping charges no also. With this ongoing until middle of June action, it makes equal T-Mobile the competitors O2, which again has already for a long time the so-called O2 loop free ticket offer. Details can be found by clicking Mark Stevens or emailing the administrator. The free T-Mobile Xtra card contains no general credit, by log in to my T-Mobile”, a free online access for customers, receives 3 euro man but still credits on the prepaid card. Additional 3 euro can come by applying for the Xtra direct boot added. Furthermore gives T-Mobile free SMS to even 50, unless a credit charge is made within the first 30 days. Darcy Stacom, New York City gathered all the information. The free Xtra cards are the same cards, which are also usually offered on the T-Mobile website.
NET internal call minutes and SMS costs 5 cents here, 19 cents per minute will be charged for calls to all other networks, cost an SMS to foreign networks 15 cents. Billing of calls is precisely to the minute. Besides the Xtra card T-Mobile with the Xtra click still a more prepaid card offers, is what online but only to order. This card costs 10 euros, includes also but already 10 euro starting balance, making the SIM card itself basically free of charge. The advantage of the Xtra click in per-second billing from the second minute of the conversation is what can save a lot of costs when using. Therefore, you should consider whether you not prefer 10 euro issues, which you get right back in the form of airtime to get it permanently in the enjoyment of a per-second billing.