
THAT made ESQUDe, cellulite is a somewhat extravagant word used to refer to the accumulation of fat that push against the connective tissue that are under the skin. What determines that small and/or dimples that are reminiscent of orange peel are seen on the surface of the skin. Perhaps check out MSCO for more information. Cellulite, undoubtedly, is one of the main problems that affect women and their self-esteem throughout his life. Being more common in some ethnic groups than in others. There are studies indicating that there is a hormonal component in its development. Before you understand what cellulite is technically, it is very important to mention that he stipulates that 90% of them suffer it, from the post-adolescencia and onwards. Even so, isn’t a problem exclusive to only women, since there have been cases, but few have been regisrado at the end of men who suffer from cellulite.

Although it is not malignant nor symptom that precedes any disease, for aesthetic reasons is something that concerns many women. “Edematose-fibrosclerotica panniculopatia” or rather cellulite, be shows such as subcutaneous fat deposits, forming dimples in the skin on the buttocks, thighs, hips and abdomen. In addition to the accumulated fat, is also produced by fluid retention and ageing of connective tissues. It is normal to believe that only obese people suffer from cellulite, but there is no idea more erroneous. If it is true that obese people are more prone to suffering from it, the thin also have a significant degree of possibilities of having the “orange peel”. During the formation of cellulite, excess cells Act by compressing the blood vessels, this causes a decrease in blood which then will favour accumulation of other cells that suffocate the tissues. This clearly causes accumulation of “dead” tissues. Cellulite has tendencies to develop in certain moments in life that make more vulnerable women, such as puberty, pregnancy or the menopause.

There are various types of cellulite, and each acts in a different way. According to the experts cellulite is classified into:-widespread cellulite. -Localized cellulite. -Hard cellulite. -Flabby cellulite. -Oedematous cellulite. In some beauty salons are announced promising treatments to get rid of cellulite. But the only thing that make those treatments is reaffirm the skin by deep massages, temporarily reducing the visibility of cellulite. Cellulite tends to notice less in the brown skin. You can check if you have cellulite gently pinching you the skin of the upper part of the thigh. If doing so you see that form you dimples that are reminiscent of orange peel, probably have cellulite. Surely you’re wondering if there is a solution to get rid of cellulite rejoice because there is a solution!


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