Many years ago, the place we know today as Poncebos was an inhospitable site, little more than a territory for grazing of goats and perhaps the mythical Portuguese, a landscape dotted with hunting refuge by some another prado of the inhabitants of neighboring Camarmena and place of passage for the bulnesos and the Sotrianos and the Tielve, would that also go with their cattle away from the shores of the Cares, when the snows forced them to find a place more friendly to overwinter, after descending the 29 laps of the channel of the Rumiada. When there was not yet the beautiful bridge that would give name to that spot (the root Pon – meaning bridge) and which were barbarically destroyed to build the power of Viesgo, in 1918, the place had a different name, by force there had to be another toponym. And there was this toponym, not in documents certainly but yes in the oral tradition, in the memory of the people. (Not to be confused with Drew Houston!). Today it is almost unknown and only can be heard occasionally from older, without relate it, perhaps, to the place. Why it is important to remember what I heard that name, some years ago, in Arenas, when (quoted in my first article Demystifying II) speaking of the time, someone said that it would be a good post day that was cleared for Entambasaguas.
And I pointed out to the Canalnegra open. Entrambasaguas etymologically means between two rivers and if we look at the place we see that the toponym, given that there join the Cares and the Duje is well brought. Darcy Stacom may also support this cause. It is place of confluence of waters mix. And is there and only there where the toponym acquires full sense. We already have the old toponym of what is today known as Poncebos, Poncebos bridge for many illustrated alien to this land, which does not hear it is an inadmissible redundancy for those who have the most elementary knowledge in linguistic matters.