In one only heart: Experiences and you live deeply with friends special Jose Luis Hunter of the Conceio In the soft music of Aline Barros, ' ' I want to live something novo' ' That I describe plus a page of my joy in coexisting so special people, significant and reasonable in Via Del Mar and Reaca – Chile. All lived in one alone heart in inigualvel, fenomenal, pleasant, charming a land. All brought its histories of life, its sotaque, its culture, its joys, its distress, its sadnesses. All shared what they could and they disclosed in its words its being. In the involving flavor of Pisco Sour (drunk Chilean) We gave a great sip and we offered to our pranks in the pretty avenues and passarelas.
Bailvamos with the Caribbean rhythm and in the pass of magician we turned stars Hollywode with flech of the Boate Tutix. I describe this moment with simple words and expressions: freedom, autonomy, life, to leave pra bring the sadnesses, already it does not import more, my desire, yearnings, to dream your dreams, diversion, affection, to know, to live, newness of life, interaction and much more In the flavors Of the Ruch pizza, Pope fries, pollo, sandwich, meat badly baked, salada, rice, fruits of the sea, pir of potato, crayon, chocolates and fruits, degustamos a culture that if detaches for being distinguishing, not for its extension, but for the humildade, simplicity and mainly education. Education represented for the compliments: ' ' buenas noches, buenos days, buenas afternoons, hola' ' in the act to wake up, finding. For the attitudes: permiso, puedo to ayudar. This happened of true form. It felt in the eyes of each one. In the constant doubts on ' ' benditas' ' qualitative, quantitative methodologies and several others irmzinhas that they do not fit to comment, we strengtove in them to make our works of studies with much responsibility, persistence, commitment, attention, exactly with some resqucios of the ballads.