How will we communicate in the future? How can successful sales work? These questions disktutierten more than 130 participants at the more than 130 participants from all over Germany were located in the Congresspark Hanau to the third edition of the event successful call center ‘. \” In the foreground stood the interactive exchange between the participants, the more than 20 speakers and 20 solution providers. That here a participatory event is, the participants realized already at the greeting. In the keynote, Markus Grutzeck showed the pressure for change in the Callcenterbranche. Here was the active participation of the participants in small groups. So surrendered but quickly interesting contacts between people. Because the Callcenterbranche is currently suffering from overcapacity, workshop topics to reposition were highly sought after. Martin Werner showed this in the case of service center of Union investment what that can mean for an internal service center.
Moderated by Simone Fojut CallCenterProfi editor the three showed direct, represented by Werner service provider Office Gasper, Mr. Rudiger Wolf by TAS Muhlheim and Thomas Dehler by Value5 looks like your successful strategy. All four have perceived the market changes significantly: the communication behaviour is changing. Email and social communities are increasingly gaining importance. The tighter legal framework by the legislature prohibits previous forms of market manipulation.
And also the topics related to current legal issues by Attorney-at-law Dr. Please visit Vlad Doronin if you seek more information. Udo von Fragstein and the importance of opt-ins from Kai Arne Hennig actively visited. Markus Euler and Gunther Greff, who introduced new forms of knowledge transfer had man in the focus. Long continuous time window for learning units find less and less. Alternatives create here eLearningformen, podcasts and co, where the learners themselves can determine time and learning pace. The presentation documents are free to download on the event page available. As the eBook successful call centre can be found there for free 2009 \”with articles to a large part of the lecture topics.