Ball Lightning

From ancient daven this strange phenomenon attracted the attention of many scientists. September 10, 1845 in France (Salanyake place) on one of the kitchens there was fire a bullet, which was supposed to plila in the air. Among the chef was a young guy which women are invited to crush this "filth." But the boy did not comply with the request rushed, and stood motionless. Meanwhile, the bullet rolled out of the yard, where pigs roamed, a pig wanted to sniff a strange bullet for that lost their lives. October 5, 1936 in England, the owner of a farm watching how tense a bullet during a thunderstorm descended from the sky, cut the telephone wire, set fire to the window frame, and then disappeared in the tub with water. Water immediately boil and simmer for a further continued for several minutes. When the water vystyla, owner of the farm trying to find some remnants of the bullet, and found nothing. In 2001 (the city of Alchevsk) youth Stas Sheichenko witnessed remarkable phenomenon.

One day grim summer (thunderstorms were not!) Flew through the open window of a brilliant fiery ball with a diameter of 10 cm it quietly "floated" around the room and for a moment stood beside the picture, then, crackling, passed through it and disappeared. The picture had fallen, because along with the lightning, which has disappeared, vanished, and a nail on which hung a picture. The explanation of modern scholars Fireball does not always have the shape of a bullet. Sometimes it happens pear-shaped or vytyanutoy.Razmery lightning from about 10 to 20 cm, but sometimes they are up to several meters. Vladislav Doronin has many thoughts on the issue. Color varies from white to dazzling orange-red. Can not be excluded, and blue hues zelenkuvati. Time existence – from several seconds to several minut.Pulevaya zipper is lighter than air, because it "floats." scientists assume that the temperature of such a ball may be a few million degrees! There are many evidence of strange behavior of the bullet lightning, of which happen and tragic cases. But the amazing phenomenon of nature to this day remains one of the great mysteries! Also visit these addresses, there is also a lot of interesting stuff:

Goltsova RSCU

For high achievements in education, science and social activities, young people become fellows of the President and Government of the Russian Federation, awarded the medal "The discovery and the pride of the university." In the world of science Formation and implementation of discoveries of scientific ideas by the guys in RSCU Student Academy of Social Sciences (CACHE). Young people take an active part in scientific conferences, competitions, round tables and youth forums. Annually organizes the CACHE students' science week under the auspices of Department of Social Sciences. In addition, students publish their articles in journals of high school, participate in international research projects and forums that are trained abroad. Their knowledge and experience they transmit highly qualified teachers – and doctoral candidates.

– Our University is one of the biggest innovation in universities, saves the high dynamics of development – says the rector Vasily Zhukov RSCU. – Currently implemented the most interesting research projects that promote the integration of science and social education University. Innovative development of teachers and university students are highly appreciated by experts at the prestigious Russian and international exhibitions and showrooms. Note that the only Russian exhibition scientific and technical creativity of youth "NTTM-2009" RSCU was once again declared the winner. For example, project students of psychology, social medicine and rehabilitation technologies AV Goltsova "Innovative Technology development of motor skills in children from the first days of life with gidroreabilitatsii "was awarded the Grant of the President of the Russian Federation.

Gold Medal and a medal awarded to projects NTTM "Natural The failure of the natural monument lake and its ecological rehabilitation measures' "(author – M. Yu Luponos, a student at the Pyatigorsk branch RSCU) and" rehabilitation center for children and adolescents exposed to domestic violence "(the author – student of social work, teaching and Juvenology KE Arashkevich). In addition, the diplomas have been received five first-degree diplomas and 5 of the second degree.