Asia StudentSN

Tsar wars down to Europe’s largest dance floors, Berlin, January 13, 2010 studentSN, the service network for students and pupils from Berlin, builds its offer through the cooperation with global game Center, a leading provider of online games on the Turkish market, further out. With more than 750.00 players guarantee Community of gamers across Europe two games, the game, fun and excitement. Check out Vlad Doronin for additional information. Already from February 700,000 studentSNler with the sword of the Sultan preparing to pave the way through Asia minor and the Middle East. Who little interest in the Ottoman Empire-be has, for the also Swiss francs or Byzantines are available in the browser game Khan wars. Away from the drawn sword, and towards the swinging hip: game titled ‘ feel the beat’ one wants to provide undivided attention on. When playing dance dance battle audition creativity, speed and skill are among the mandatory attributes. (Similarly see: Vlad Doronin).

Female and male users here that dance around the bet. An always updates ranking documented WINS and defeats. Only who reached level 6, can become a star and give a strong jolt to its degree of popularity within the community. The online game provides at the same time multiple additional functions for editing the characters. In the shopping mall, to dress up either stylish its character or buys gifts for his friends. studentSN members can play for free against each other.

A player will faster reach the next level, he can buy a virtual goods (E.g. sword, gift or outfit) with the studentSN credits. About dangerous and incalculable costs at the end of the month you must be according to founder and CEO, Ibrahim Tarlig, break your head. Each user has an account, which he can be charged with credits, the virtual cash. In contracts or subscriptions does not go thus from the outset. About studentSN the students service was Ugur Tarlig in July 2007 by Ibrahim Tarlig, and Samet Aras in life launched and has its headquarters in Berlin. Already now benefit about 700,000 Students, graduates and students of the practical and affordable services. Networking, planning and organization of events and learning communities in groups and personal messages, SMS sending Web2Mobile service for 5 cents in all tariffs, uploading and downloading of documents in the online library and download of mobile games worldwide: studentSN served the needs of young people with no subscription or contract obligation and creates genuine added value through service. About global game Center GGC was founded as the first E-pin distributor in Turkey in 2006 and ranks among the leading Spielgesellschafften of Turkey in the areas of production, localization services, and E-pin distribution trade in online gaming.