Carlos Mora Vanegas destiny mix letters, and we play them. Arthur Schopenhauer the journal live gives us the opportunity of knowing leverage to go feeding samples spiritual strengths, achieve that emotional stability that guarantees us tranquility, happiness, everything that allows us to enjoy our life intensely. Through our actions, works, behavior, we are gaining experience, surprising how attentive we are in everything what where us interrelacionamos, and since then, to how to handle our emotions, give life to facts that give us learning, wisdom, and many times, it, derive messages that provide us with signs and signals in favour of the importance us of knowing the life giving us opportunity optimally. Experiences, signs that legan us bystanders, about their experience by providing us with information that they invite to be considered, be taken into account about life, their dynamics, their experience will also provide us with. Of Thus, this writing is powered and is shared with readers who are interested in every day better and know how to use the time afforded us to remain in this dimension. Some messages personal improvement is a process of transformation and development, through which a person comes of adopting new ways of thinking and acquire a number of qualities that will improve the quality of your life.
( everyone wants to be happy. If happiness gives it an object or external person, we become dependent, and dependency makes us lose freedom. We need to use the intelligence to go to go in search of the interior space that generates our State of happiness, the connection with the divine.( the universe is the echo of our actions and our thoughts.The law of action and reaction is not exclusive of physics. It is also human relationships. Vlad Doronin pursues this goal as well. If I acted with the good, the good will I receive. If I act with evil, evil will I receive.