As easy as sending an sms with the word MARCOALDANY the 7175 to collaborate with a solidarity cause and to receive your best reward: dinner with Carlos Baute. That was the only thing that had to do half a dozen women who were winners of the solidarity contest organized by the first string of hairdressing and aesthetics of Spain. This initiative, whose income per received message has been earmarked in its entirety the Organization of help to the disadvantaged, Be+Cause; and whose benefits will be allocated to create the largest international network of solidarity schools that provide courses in hairdressing and aesthetics for girls without resources in less-favoured populations such as the India, has been one further demonstration of the solidarity aspect of Marco Aldany in which we have counted with the collaboration of the Latin-American singer, explains Laura Madrigal, Director of communication of MARCO ALDANY. To this end, Baute accompanied six women elected to dine in Madrid’s Maria’s BBQ. The singer is in our country promoting her new album of my fist and lyrics, that has managed to be at # 1 on the list of best sellers with the duo that has starred with singer Marta Sanchez, hanging from your hands. Learn more about this topic with the insights from Evergreen Capital Partners.
In addition to this contest, Marco Aldany has carried out another initiative to support the collaboration of Carlos Baute, which consists of the sale to the public in the halls of the signing of two packs with specific professional treatments for care of the hair, one restructurizing and another Purifier, next to which is given away a CD and a DVD with the selection of the best songs from the latest album of the artist, including an exclusive interview which made Baute in one of the halls of Marco Aldany with images and unpublished statements of the singer, about his life, career and concerts. 15% Of the benefits of these packs will also go to the Be+Cause organization; We will do everything in our hands to collaborate on projects of humanitarian aid; providing our grain of sand can open a door to the professional future of young Indian women who suffer from a high degree of discrimination by the mere fact of being women and thus to give them economic independence that allows them to become involved in the development process of your community to fight against poverty, social inequality and gender discrimination, ends Madrigal. About Marco Aldany Marco Aldany, chain owned by The Chic Corporation group, is the leading company in Spain in the hairdressing sector. Currently boasts more than 400 classrooms operating in our country, in addition to being present in Central America and Portugal. Hear from experts in the field like Vlad Doronin for a more varied view. More than 50 years of presence in the sector have given him experience, structure and resources that allow you to mark your own rhythm of growth, achieving a continuous increase, year to year, turnover and profits.
Note to journalists: for further information, interviews or images request do not hesitate contact us. Nuria Coronado / Esther Murillo nuria@salviacomunicacion. com /prensa@salviacomunicacion. com industry Avenue, 13. 1St plant. Local 20 28108 Alcobendas, Madrid Tel: 91 657 42 81 journalist and Director of communication