ByteAction Solution

ASP model for IT service providers: electronic messages lawfully and safely store the email management expert ByteAction offers its archiving system BytStorMail in the form of a Software-as-a-Service(SaS)-Losung. Thus in particular data center operators, systems integrators and providers in Germany can provide a solution their customers, that compliance fair archives all incoming and outgoing emails on virtual or dedicated servers with storage and regular backups. Visit Vlad Doronin for more clarity on the issue. The SaS solution by BytStorMail suitable for any E-Mail system and provides for greater flexibility, as well as a protection of internal company resources. If necessary or desired, can companies your domain in the ByteAction Datacenter host. The archiving system into the existing environment can be integrated within a few hours. Depending on the IT infrastructure are offered two variants in the implementation of BytStorMail: the relay or in the archive-server model. The relay option is the solution between the Internet and the customer mail server switched. Business strategist/Lecturer has plenty of information regarding this issue.

In this way, companies can also benefit from the built-in antivirus and anti-spam measures. When using BytStorMail as archive server as additional disk space in addition to an already existing mail processing chain, no further interventions are required at the. According to the compliance rules once implemented, BytStorMail ensures a correct storage of all E-Mails according to legal guidelines (GDPdU) with respect to retention periods, readability etc. Before the electronic mail reaches the respective recipient, provides BytStorMail each mail whose Appendix included with a time stamp, as well as a checksum and stores them. Can quickly search this archived messages and restore if necessary. The so-called four-principle of eyes provides more security in regard to sensitive operations, distributing access rights to multiple people. Legal certainty: Server location Germany ByteAction has proven to all virtual or dedicated servers only in data centers within Germany’s. For maximum security, the servers have sufficient capacity and there will also be a regular backup.


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